Polygon Smart Contract Audit

Polygon Network is a next-generation blockchain platform. Polygon Network is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine thereby Ethereum smart contracts can be deployed to the Polygon Network. For the development and interaction on the Polygon layer 2 blockchains, you can use Truffle, MetaMask, or Remix.

Why is it Important to Audit an Polygon Smart Contract?

By using an external team of experts, you can ensure that your contract has no critical bugs, vulnerabilities or security flaws.

Provides an unbiased third-party review of the code. With a thorough audit, it guarantees that your idea will be taken seriously by investors and partners alike.

Keeps your business and users safe from risk. If there are any problems with the functionality or security of your smart contract, it could put both you and others at risk!

Gives a detailed report on specific risks that developers may not have considered.

Spartancrypt Smart Contract Audits

The smart contract audit carried out by Spartancrypt security specialists follows the same mechanics as the mechanics of other code audits. Unless full and detailed documentation is at specialists’ disposal, they may be required to contribute additional efforts to ensure that the same level of assurance is provided when compared to the smart contract audit of a project that has been fully documented.

Is Smart Contract Audit Necessary?

The main aim of a smart contract audit is to ensure that your business does not face any risks associated with a faulty code. This can help you save time and money that is otherwise spent on fixing bugs and security flaws.

Why there are Vulnerabilities on Smart Contract?

Developers may have overlooked security risks, they may not have understood the implications of certain code and they may have made mistakes in the code. You can help by auditing the contracts before they are deployed to the polygon Mainnet, Ropsten polygon Testnet, Kovan polygon Testnet, Rinkeby polygon Testnet or Goerli polygon Testnet.

Smart Contract And Polygon Blockchain

Smart contract is an emerging technology that is growing in popularity. A smart contract is a self-executing digital contract which facilitates the exchange of money, property or anything of value.

Smart contracts have been implemented on various blockchain platforms such as polygon blockchain. More and more companies are beginning to turn to blockchain to improve their existing processes and implement brand new ones. Smart contract audit is important for polygon blockchain based businesses.

Web3 and how Spartancrypt Makes the Difference

You may have heard of smart contracts or the polygon blockchain, but there’s a lot to learn. Smart contract auditing is an important part of any business that is involved in the web3 and blockchain domain.

When you opt for a smart contract audit, you’ll get the knowledge that will help you understand why an audit is so valuable and how it can benefit your business.

Smart contracts are computer programs that facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract between two parties without requiring human intervention.

A smart contract allows its participants to exchange money (or anything else of value) in a transparent way without relying on third parties like banks or other financial institutions.

In Spartancrypt, after finishing a Polygon smart contract audit, our security specialists provide a client with a detailed report containing all detected vulnerabilities and also share their recommendations on how to mitigate the scope of potential security risks.

We also determine the level of severity of each vulnerability identified during an Ethereum smart contract audit so that clients can clearly realize what flaws need to be fixed immediately.

Execution of Matic Smart Contract Audit


We evaluate the business logic behind your Polygon (Matic) smart contract and then run an extensive security analysis.


We do in-depth code scrutiny of your smart contract and then carry out multiple manual reviews to resolve any issues before deployment or when necessary.


Once analyzed and evaluated, we deliver a comprehensive report consisting of vulnerability details.

An Audit can Protect you Against Attacks

There are several types of attacks that can happen to smart contracts on the Ethereum platform. These attacks can be classified based on the actors involved and their motivations. The following are some of the most popular attack types:

  • Replay attacks: valid data transmissions recorded by malicious actors and repeated to perform fraudulent activities.
  • Reentrancy attacks: the exploitation of external calls to untrusted contracts for the purpose of introducing unexpected changes to information flows thereby affecting them.
  • Overflow and underflow conditions lead to the propagation of unexpected data values.
  • Reordering attacks: the change of transactional data by a third-party during the transaction execution. The results of this attack at the phase of transaction completion are likely to be unexpected.
  • Short address attacks: less data than could be expected have been received by a contract. The default data are used to fill the missing expected transactional data with unexpected outcomes.